Abraham Lincoln Memorial

The Abraham Lincoln Memorial as located next to the Potomac River, west of the Washington Monument.

This is a picture looking at the entrance. I couldn't get a good shot, but the names of all of the states that were admitted at the time the memorial was built are engraved on top surrounding the building.



This is another view.



This is looking back toward the Capital Building, which would be behind the Washington Monument you see in the center. I took this shot from the top of the steps. The pool you see is called Reflecting Pool. To the left is the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial, and the Korean War Veterans Memorial is to the right.



These are some pictures of the statue of Abraham Lincoln.




This gives you an idea how tall the statue is.



On the south wall, you can read his famous "Four score and seven years ago..." speech. On the north wall, they had his speech from his second inauguration. I had to doctor this image a bit to get the words to come up.
