Bumpass Hell

The Bumpass Hell (pronouced Bump-uss, not Bump-ass) is the largest geothermic region in Lassen Volcanic National Park, which covers 16 acres. It has a lot of sulphur vents, boiling water and mud pits. The trail to get there is easy, but goes over some rocky terrain. It's about 3 miles or so round trip from the trailhead.

It was named after its discoverer, Kendall Vanhook Bumpass. He lost a leg as the result of burns that were obtained when he fell into a thermal pool. At the high elevation where this is located (8,100 feet above sea level) water boils at 198 degrees farenheit. However, the superheated water coming out of the ground is over 280 degrees farenheit.

Here are the pictures from the area. Click on the preview picture below to view the full picture.