Erik's Other Inventions

These are some inventions and prior works that I've been involved with during my time in the software industry. Many employers ask you to give a list of prior inventions. This is usually done to avoid any potential problems with non-disclosure agreements or accidentally divulging trade secrets from another company in the course of your work or research. This is both for their protection, and yours.

June, 1996 - March, 1997
Assisted with developing a mathematical algorithm for automating the process of estimating starting parameter estimates for non-linear curve fitting engines.

June, 1998 - May, 1999
Created a series of tests using mathematical algorithms, designed to perform a sanity check for comparing generated images at the pixel level. These were used in some automated testing to verify image quality and consistency of the graphic output.

March, 1999
Developed a Windows-based Cyclic Redundancy Check program for comparing files to determine if they are identical. It calculates a 32-bit unique identifier for each file submitted for analysis.

May, 1999 - August, 1999
Worked on a sound analysis and visualization program designed for use with sound research. Created a two interactive graphical user interfaces using sliders and an OpenGL prototype, which were designed to control the sound parameters and functionality in real-time. Also helped to create the underlying class structure to support the interfaces directly.