Cold Boiling Lake

Cold Boiling Lake is located due east of the Bumpass Hell. To reach it, you walk through the Bumpass Hell and continue on the same trail. You get some nice views of the area.

The trail is somewhat narrow in some places and required us to walk through some mud where it crossed over some streams. It was worth it, however. The lake gets its name from the fact that trapped carbon dioxide gas rises through the lake and bubbles at the surface, making it appear as if it's boiling. In fact, the water is cold.

These are pictures from the trail. Click on the preview picture below to view the full picture.

This is a view high above Crumbaugh Lake. We eventually talked along the shore. This is how high up the trail is!

This view shows Cold Boiling Lake, located in the center

This is Cold Boiling Lake. You can see some bubbles on the left side of the picture where trapped gases are rising

This is a close up of one area of the lake where you can easily walk over to see the water "boiling"

The trail continues west, taking you along Crumbaugh Lake and the Conard Meadows, eventually reaching the Mill Creek Falls.